This happens to hav happened just yesterday when i sat in front o' my PC , checking out some blogs , holding a cuppa tea in my hand....... Amazing isn't it ? How one Cup o' tea adds the something xtra to an activity as simple as reading..... honestly, for a person lik me who drinks plain milk at the other tyms of the day ..... drinking the evening cuppa' tea is heavenly bliss... i mean truly ... just imagine yourself holding a cup in hand, sipping hot tea from the brim of the cup while ur doin' nothing...... the solitude it takes u to is just fabulous...may it be the effect of the antioxidants it contains o' whatever :) ..... i Feel something amazing......
Leaving all things aside, i sat sipping my tea which contains a bit of ginger essence , my favourite flavour that goes with it.... smacking my lips to the flavour... it's just so wow...... at this point i looked down at my cup... half-empty, relished by its so called "drinker" (As i call it)..ha ha ha.. observing the flecks of the tea leaves that lined the cup... i realized many things at that point of time... The so called "Cuppa TEA" signifies many things..... as said above in one way it signifies the eternal bliss of solitude when enjoyed rather lavishly n loafingly... but,it has a different side when presented in front of people in a conference, appointment o' watever ... it signifies the serious side of a person... meaningly the "responsible" nature of a person when compared to one who prefers coffee... tea in such places acts lik a business stimulant..... n for people workin at the consoles its a thought stimulant n stress buster.... tea n biscuits in breaks with colleagues along ur side... wonderful way to chat ur way of many topics (lik sports for guys, n gossips n fashion for gals) ,along the break,hmmm, the thought does feel nice, ain't it? ;).... n think of the tea parties that the ladies arrange for themselves....( never heard of a coffee party though ;) ) .... ha ha ha.....
i guess, tea is a stimulant in many ways...... Stimulate ... Such a wonderful word..... n a wonderful deed too... to arouse someone to do what he thinks is right, provokin him in a healthy way, building up his confidence...... provide excitement in a boring situation... all positive things "A single cuppa tea" does....u wonder if Tea does all that,huh???... For me, it does all those things.... right now, it STIMULATED me to write this blog.... ;) ....
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