05 December 2009
Mummy.... Its so Yummy... !!!
Hmmm .... here i go again... Mum is screaming at the top of her voice.... ( actually speaking , she's a just a li'l louder than normal conversation.... poor dear is having wheezing frm a few days :( .. )... she is asking me to get up...
Ma :Its 10:00 am ,Maya.. Get up....
Me:Oh mom, I have no work to do... 10 more minutes..... (it drags to 30 more minutes)
Before i go back to that so called 10 minutes of sleep, she asks me to cook this dish "AVIAL"... mixed veggies, A Yummy dish.. N i agree, " ya.. sure thing". (all in my sleep.. yawn...:O..)
Its almost 10:30.. I get up, Have my bath n breakfast till 11:30... n then .. go to my comp to chk my mail n play a few games..... 30 more minutes....
hmm.... Granny starts calling... "Maya... Go, to the kitchen... "
Me: Why the heck??...
I seem to have completely forgotten what Ma told me to do...
n the funny part.. I'm playing Cafe world ... Virtual kitchen on Fb..... when theres actual cooking to be done...I say that i'll be right there in a few minutes... just when m about to save n shut down the comp... The power switches off.... The UPS beeping all its way.. ( These powercuts n getting damn irritating these days..)
Now what??
In the kitchen, I get all thats necessary to prepare the dish.. veggies , beans , alasande, pumpkin, suvarna gadde, carrot, batata, Coconut.. Now, i'll have to chop , dice n dessicate the stuff.... No dessicated coconut?? i have to start scrapping it?? No power...??? How m i gonna finish it off before 1:00pm.. ??
First n foremost thing , i dessicate a whole coconut.... whew, that was really fast..
then i chop n dice all the veggies..... 10 more minutes , n m' done with the veg cutting.
Now cooking all those vegetables??? N i shud hurry.. The recipe book says to boil in water until cooked...But i haven't got that much time. time for some quick thinking...
I come up with this brilliant idea, i put all the vegetables in a pressure cooker.. :P.. smart huh?? not for my Ma though.. :D
while the veggies get pressure cooked, i'm supposed to grind the coconut n green chillies together... n the main thing No power... n i come up with another brilliant idea... I connect my mixer to the Home UPS( not advised ) .... grind the stuff on low speed as a precaution.... finally 'm done with the grinding part.... The Job is half done.... Its almost 12:30pm when i'm done with all these ....
Now the final steps.. Mixing the stuff... i take out all the cooked veggies... add the ground coconut mixture.. bring to a boil..... i add the salt... main thing not to be forgotten.... finally add the seasoning with cumin seeds.... Now, i take a l'il bit of the dish in a spoon to check if it tastes good... n down it goes into my palate...
Note: Granny has been observing me all along... she observes my expressionless face as i taste it...
" Enaaythu?? uppu jaasthi haakda??
nope.. i m relishing the flavour... :P
N just on time , as my grandfather sits down at the dining table for his lunch, I'm ready with the dish..
He tastes the dish n gives me a smile.... "good, nimma ajji maadodakkintha chennagi maadiddya... ajji stares at ajja .. :D....
After about 15 more mintues, Ma come home for lunch... the much awaited moment.. to get her approval....
hmm.. Yummm... thumba chennagi aagide ..... but gravy consistency thick irli next tym..
Come on Mummy.... its soooo Yummy.....!!!
And there goes one more day...
29 November 2009
"Know Ye not that ye are Gods??"

30 September 2009
Is silence really Golden??? or is it Olden??

Silence is Golden.... how many times haven't we heard this adage of ancient times..even in different lingos... But is it really as golden at all times?? possibly not....
Silence is not golden
When something should be said.
The truth should always be spoken
Even when we would rather suppress it,
Because we fear someone would be hurt.
There is a way to say whatever should be heard,
Especially when the loud voice of lies
Is quickly spreading its words.
Speak up! Tell the truth!
Humbly, calmly share what you know.
Then watch, listen, as the loud voice of lies
Retreats into silence.
To put in simple words,when u want to say some thing , to share something,do it. Silence no longer remains golden.. when u want to tell people u care for, u do care for them.. or when there is truth to be told..... LIES shud be silenced n nothing else..... :D
04 July 2009
No raY oF sUnshINE ....
Ever imagined a day in ur childhood or even now, where u hav never stepped out in the sunshine for the whole day??? u may say what a dumb question ..no way !!wudn't stay indoors even if it meant having a tantrum with your parents , right? .... hmm, even i'd do the same.... but , what if staying inside is inevitable.... confused,huh? .. well, i'll explain..... here's a story i heard , dat deeply moved me n kinda changed me as a person ,to be more stronger in character.
02 June 2009
wHen at PeAce wiTH NaTUre!!!

My birthday's approaching in two days tym.... n here i'm having my afternoon siesta lying on a mat on the terrace of my home , playing with my pet dog..... My birthday.... this day is everyones day of fantasy... but a fantasy that serves no purpose is of as little use as a comb to a totally bald person... frankly speaking, i hav no such fantasies in mind for this special day of mine as of now..... all dat i hav ever done was , do a good deed or two on this spl day, and enjoyy my day with my frnz n chums ( exceptions hav occurred during engg exam season :P) but otherwise it was a day of fun n frolic with my family , frndz , accompanied even by surprise visits frm my cuzins sometyms.... But today as i sat wondering about it, i realised what i shud have done long back...... the answer came to me as a mynah chirping on the pomegranate tree.... it said,"nature has itself bestowed on u a beautiful gift, its time u realised it and put it in action",.....
31 March 2009
mY cuPPa tEa!!!

This happens to hav happened just yesterday when i sat in front o' my PC , checking out some blogs , holding a cuppa tea in my hand....... Amazing isn't it ? How one Cup o' tea adds the something xtra to an activity as simple as reading..... honestly, for a person lik me who drinks plain milk at the other tyms of the day ..... drinking the evening cuppa' tea is heavenly bliss... i mean truly ... just imagine yourself holding a cup in hand, sipping hot tea from the brim of the cup while ur doin' nothing...... the solitude it takes u to is just fabulous...may it be the effect of the antioxidants it contains o' whatever :) ..... i Feel something amazing......
07 February 2009
My conversation with the Sun

07 January 2009
SwEeT mEMoRieS
I treasure sweet old

memoriesAs time goes swiftly by.
A few bring smiles of happiness
And some tears to the eye.
They all are precious in their way,
Reopening doors of old
That have been shut these many years--
What pictures they unfold!
These dear old, sweet old memories
All play their special part
In bringing joy and opening up
The latch strings of the heart.