Hi ppl,
I know its been a while since i have created this blog account n my first post....making u all wonder ,why the hell , has this gal, posted nothing until now? ....
bUT tHATS MoA!!!(ME)....
I have alwys found many ways to put my thoughts in writing ........coz, reading has been a habit of mine since childhood , i would always find my thoughts and imaginations wander from one juncture of life to the other as i made my journy through the book that i was reading ...... and i feel letting ur thoughts wander helps u to move to elated places of fantasy which not everybody can imagine unless they have experienced it,.........as i would go along to complete this journey of mine ..... i wondered whether if i jotted down these thoughts of mine ........... it would be a treasure of my imaginations and myself at one place..... Now that is when , i started writing a dairy............. and in writing a dairy one means to note down the events that happen in dat particular day......but my dairy contained my journey of imaginations on dat day....AND from now on in each of my posts henceforth, i will be putting into writing the extracts from my favourite pages in my dairy.............. might take a while coz , i hav my exams nearing.....but then that is the tym when u get a mixture of thoughts and imaginations.........c ya in the new year ppl ..... toodles!!!!
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