Ya,u r right!!!! i was getting bored....
So,what to do when u get BORED?
hmmm.... puzzling question...
one might think of the simple approach..." DO something to preoccupy your mind".
But how?? what to do?? Thinking the same will definitely preoccupy your mind...ryt?...
lets see how i found an answer...
i asked myself,what will make me get out of this boredom... what will make me preoccupy my mind??
Thinking itself preoccupied my mind so much that, i finally forgot,that i was getting bored...
It did take me a while to understand it, but there it was....
I started with thinking of ways like riding, hanging out with frnds,going on a walk,driving,i even thought of asking others for suggestions to it.... i thought of many things ....
But my answer was none of these...
THINKING was what my answer was..

I finally found something new to do when i get bored, not that we don't do it, but we do it , without knowing of the fact that we are doing it...
THINK... think differently,think unique, think new, think creatively,think out of bounds, think out of the box u are in,think about yourself..think.... think.. think....
N if i m nit wrong, your mind does seem to wander with these thoughts...
Finally ,u'll be wondering.. "what was i bored of?"
CONfused?? Think about it...